It is time to evolve.

Healthcare of the future

Today’s medicine is becoming an increasingly specialised science. Each specialisation has its own diagnostic methods and expertise to correctly diagnose and treat the patient. However, this increases the amount of knowledge that GPs need to have in order to be able to correctly refer patients to specialists.

Computers give us the ability to process large amounts of data quickly, taking into account the many and varied factors that influence data interpretation. We are well aware that they are much more efficient than us in this area, so why not use them to support the diagnostic process for patients.

This is what we do. The Themis project aims to provide GPs with access to the full diagnostic knowledge of all medical specialities. It deals with an individual analysis of each case based on the patient’s characteristics, presenting symptoms or co-morbidities in order to detect and propose a course of action to the medical staff.

Our aim is to provide the clinicians with a digital treatment assistant that not only facilitates data analysis, but also prevents medical errors.


Our Goal

Rapid, error-free patient diagnosis

  • Assisting doctors at every stage of treatment.
  • Continuous updating of knowledge and treatment methods.
  • Real-time consideration of population and epidemiological data
  • Consideration of genetic data and individual treatment history.



Diseases mapped in our database



Consolidated number of scientific sources for data validation



Number of human genes already linked to disease occurrence

Highest safety

Highest standards of data revision and transparency.

All medical data we use comes from approved scientific sources. They are reviewed for validity by a qualified team of medical professionals. The factors considered in the analysis are made available to the patient’s treating physician and he or she makes the final decision to include or reject them.

Powerful tools in the right applications.

Cutting-edge technology

Our software is based on industrial embedded software development techniques, which gives us the highest system performance. Our system uses artificial intelligence algorithms, based on high-performance software languages and in areas where artificial intelligence technology is actually helpful. For example, it supports epidemiological modelling processes that facilitate the risk of infectious diseases in a given geographical region.

Individual approach to the patient

Putting the patient first

Thanks to the leap in performance achieved by using low-level programming, we can process much more patient-related data. Our aim is to implement the analysis of a patient’s genetic determinants in commonly used diagnostics.

Open to the scientific community

Co-create the future of medicine with us

Our aim is to create a powerful, modern tool that allows medical professionals to advance current treatment methods. We invite all interested scientific institutions to submit their proposals and suggestions for the development of the Themis project. We are committed to ensuring that the tool we are developing meets the highest demands of the medical community.

Would you like to know more, or do you have suggestions for collaboration in relation to the Themis project?